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Importance of Pet Dental Care

How Our Veterinarian in Edmond Can Help with Pet Dental Care

If you live with a pet in Guthrie or Oklahoma City and are looking for a veterinarian in Edmond, our team at Danforth Animal Hospital is here to help. We are an animal hospital that can help you with pet-related issues, including pet dental care.

The Importance of Pet Dental Care

As any veterinarian in Edmond will tell you, pet dental care is critical. Dental problems can lead to other types of health problems and vice versa. It is essential that your pet's gums and teeth be checked annually by our veterinarian. This way, the vet can potentially catch any dental problems early, and your pet's mouth can be as healthy as possible.

You should have your pet's teeth checked even more frequently if you notice any symptoms like bad breath, loose or broken teeth, discolored or tartar-covered teeth, retained baby teeth or extra teeth, reduced or nonexistent appetite, abnormal chewing/dropping food out of the mouth/drooling, pain or bleeding in or around the mouth, or swelling in the areas around the mouth.

Sometimes, a pet will become irritable when he or she is experiencing dental problems. Typically, you want to take your pet to the vet at the first sign of behavioral changes, which often indicates health problems. Be careful when inspecting your pet's mouth, as he or she might bite while in pain.

There are many common dental problems in pets, including periodontal disease (the most common condition in cats and dogs), broken teeth/roots, infected teeth and abscesses, tumors or cysts in the mouth, broken or fractured jaw, palate defects, and malocclusion (misalignment of the animal's teeth and bite). Any of these can be very serious.

Contact Us for Pet Health Care

If you are looking for an animal hospital in Edmond, you should feel free to contact our professionals at Danforth Animal Hospital. Here, you will find a veterinarian who will address your pet's dental care issues. We are here to also help patients in Guthrie and Oklahoma City. Contact us today to find out how we can help you and your pet.