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Valentine's Day Hazards to Your Pet

Valentine’s Day Hazards

The Valentine’s Day can be a lot of fun, but sometimes this busy time can have potential hazards for your pets. There are a few things to consider especially during Valentine’s party time that you need to be cautious of.

  • Chocolate: Chocolates can be especially harmful to your pets.  Any type of chocolate can cause gastrointestinal upset but many chocolates can cause cardiac arrhythmias as well. Dark chocolates and baking chocolates are especially harmful.  Chocolate toxicity can be fatal to your pet. If your pet ingests any chocolate please call our office immediately and we can help to minimize the complications if it is caught earlier enough. 
  • Alcohol:  Always be cautious about any drinks, especially mixed drinks containing alcohol.  Even a small amount of alcohol can cause your pet to be lethargic, depressed, and ataxic. 

  • Lilies:  Most types of lilies are toxic.  This includes: Easter lily, Tiger lily, day lilies, and many other hybrid lilies.  Ingestion of any part of the plant material or water contaminated with the plant material can cause serious consequences. The kidneys are rapidly affected causing renal failure.  These plants can also cause vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and tremors.  Death can occur even if only a small part of the plant is ingested.  Cats tend to be especially curious about these plants.  We do not recommend keeping these plants in areas where your pets have access to them. If a known ingestion occurs please contact us immediately.
  • Iris:  Iris flowers can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and hypersalivation. 

If your pet accidentally ingests any of the above mentioned, or something else you are not too sure about, please give us a call if you have any concerns. If it is after hours, call our number: 405-340-1020, and it will redirect you to Blue Pearl Emergency Center. Have a safe and happy Valentine's Day!